Public Appearances at Library Board Meetings

Last Updated Date

Meetings of the Library Board of Trustees of the Anderson County Library System (“Library”) are open to the public except when the Library Board (“Board”) is in executive session. In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, agendas for all regular, called, and special meetings of the Board and its committees are posted at least 24 hours in advance.

Only Anderson County residents, taxpayers, or individuals who own real property in Anderson County may address the Board on matters of Library business. Individuals who wish to address the Board may do so in the Public Comment section of the order of business (agenda) by signing the sheet provided by the recording secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Individuals will be called on to speak by the presiding Chair in the order in which they signed up.

Individuals will be given 3 minutes each to speak unless extended by the presiding Chair. The total time allotted for public comment will not exceed 30 minutes at any given meeting unless the presiding Chair permits additional time.

No speaker may use language that is obscene, disruptive, scurrilous, or recklessly defamatory. Individuals using such language will be asked to leave the meeting. Individuals who speak out of turn or become disruptive may be asked to leave the meeting.

The Board will listen but will not respond to those who speak during the Public Comment section. If there is a need for a response from the Board, it should come later when the Board has had time to deliberate the issue, to seek more information, or to take recommendations from the Library Director.

At the conclusion of the Public Comment section of the agenda, members of the public may continue to observe the meeting but may not address further comments to the Board.

Approved and adopted by the Board of Trustees: October 17, 2022.