Build pathways, watch the dominoes fall, and build again! See what patterns you can create or test how many dominoes you can line up.
Celebrate the summer with Family Storytime. Enjoy stories, songs, and fingerplays perfect for children ages birth to 5 years old.
Q-Bitz are fun ways to stimulate the brain to use spatial reasoning and memory skill. Say goodbye to boredom - even the grownups will want to participate in this one!
Q-BA-MAZE is a unique system of colorful cubes that interlock to form a marble run. The big difference? You can create marble maze sculptures in any form such as animals, robots, towers, and geometric shapes.
Build a marble roller coaster with Quercetti Sky Rails. It'll take reasoning and creativity to make sure your roller coaster can go the distance!
Experiment, learn, and play hands-on with robots and easy coding basics! This is a fun, easy introduction to robots and coding perfect for children ages 6-12.
Book Benders honor the art of transforming thought to literature!